Right to play
All of ELPA’s work is underpinned by children’s right to play and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
The CRC is the fundamental basis for children’s rights here in Scotland and in international law. In this section, you will find resources and information from ELPA and partner organisations.
Discuss, download, promote children’s right to play!
ELPA is a member of the International Play Association:
Promoting the Child’s Right to Play.

“Play is a vital dimension of the pleasure of childhood.”
United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
ELPA award for play in times of crisis
ELPA received an International Play Association (IPA) award in recognition of its work during the COVID-19 pandemic. IPA, a worldwide network of play advocates, created the IPA Special Award on the Right to Play in Times of Crisis so that ideas from around the world could be shared. The awards helped adults understand the important role that play holds during times of crisis. It is also shared the surging creative solutions growing worldwide that are intended to help children survive, cope and even thrive, said IPA.
Our presentation describes how ELPA reinvented its work during COVID-19 to support children to play during and beyond the crisis. The Nominees Booklet is full of inspiring projects from around the world responding locally to the global pandemic. ELPA is proud to be amongst this special group.
Children’s Right to Play
This booklet from IPA Scotland explores the right to play. Playing is a universal right of all children is enshrined in article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
This short, accessible booklet is ideal from students, parents and carers, and anyone working for or with children. It will help you explore questions such as: What does it mean to have a right to play? What do adults need to think about to uphold it? What basic principles underpin children’s rights?
Why is playing important? Children from St Mary’s RC Primary School in Haddington explore this question in their animated film. Watch the film to find out why playing makes you feel like the best kid in the world.
Year of Childhood 2021
Childhood is the most important time in our lives, a time when lifelong health and wellbeing outcomes are established and where habits of a lifetime are formed. The aim of Year of Childhood is to explore childhood through the lens of children’s human rights, creating opportunities to share rights-based practice in an atmosphere of optimism and confidence.
Led by Children’s Parliament, the Year of Childhood will help to amplify what we can do differently to improve the lives of children, families and communities.
ELPA is an eager supporter of the Year of Childhood, and a proud Unfeartie!
#YearofChildhood2021 #chooseplay

© 2021 East Lothian Play Association. ELPA Scottish registered charity SC030069. ELPA SCIO, Scottish registered charity SC050202.
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