Information, ideas, inspiration
“The noise of play has changed – instead of screaming, we’ve got chatter, laughter and percussion. There’s a happy buzz.”
Teacher, Musselburgh Burgh Primary School

What we do
ELPA’s goal is to promote and enrich the culture of play in East Lothian. Children’s right to play is at the heart of all our plans, projects and partnerships. Whether it’s about local spaces, loose parts play, inclusion or school playtimes, we believe children should be part of the conversation.

Growing our team
ELPA is a great place to work and volunteer! From time to time, we recruit play rangers, playworkers, sessional workers, play development officers, trainers and workshop facilitators. We sometimes have opportunities to join our Board of Trustees, to volunteer at events and activities or to tender for freelance work.

So many moments of everyday magic happen in ELPA projects and events. Come in and have a look!
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Our partnerships

Our awards

© 2021 East Lothian Play Association. ELPA Scottish registered charity SC030069. ELPA SCIO, Scottish registered charity SC050202.
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